Marty Jannetty Says Dark Side Of The Ring Helped Him Find His Childhood Mental Strength

Posted by Aldo Pusey on Friday, September 27, 2024

Marty Jannetty is still getting attention, and that’s not about to dwindle at this point. He has a lot to look forward to with the upcoming season of Dark Side of the Ring, and his life could be busy. Of course, Marty is used to his life being somewhat of a chaotic scene.

Marty Jannetty logged onto Facebook, and he sent out a very interesting update about his upcoming Dark Side of the Ring episode. It seems that they cast a young Marty in that episode, and the former Rocker had a lot more to say than that. Not only has it been “a good 6 weeks” since Jannetty has, “done ANY type of partying,” but he was able ot test that sobriety in New York City.

Marty Jannetty also went on to say that Dark Side of the Ring has “helped me find my childhood mental strength again.”



This was my very first interview my Jr year in high school. I’d been in the papers before for bowling awards but only pictures. At this point I was still having dreams of playing football at the highest level and wrestling was just an off season activity to keep my conditioning up..little did I know that THIS is what would make me a World Wide name..

The writer starts with MJ being a perfectionist..For an extremist it’s ALL OR NOTHING!!..When it’s ALL, you damn sure want it to be perfect or as perfect as you can make it..This actually carries over to all aspects of my life including partying, it’s ALL or NOTHING..sink or swim!

I recently broke through a barrier I’ve not been able to..In all of my accomplishments one barrier remained..It’s been a good 6 weeks since I’ve done ANY type of partying and this past weekend was a monster test in NYC, party capital of the world but my focus remained on a goal I’ve set for myself..drugs, alcohol nor women(my kryptonite) will ever block me from where I am going..Dark Side Of The Ring has helped me find my childhood mental strength again, motivation to escape the sh*t I grew up in and with.. being an outkast amongst kids at school and in the neighborhood due to family fighting issues, being dirt poor and constant police encounters, parents didn’t allow their kids to play or be around me..understandable now but not as a 7 year old..

That kid made it out of that world and did it with no drugs, no alcohol, no women and no damn help other than my dad’s when he wasn’t working 16 hr shifts to keep us in a house with brother was dodging bullets in Viet Nam so obviously unable to be there..I ESCAPED BECAUSE OF ME!!! No one else, and, I will do that very thing again as I’m not living the life I deserve and already earned..but I will and you can bank that up!! I despise the saying but I’m gonna say it..I GOT THIS!! Dont need nor want anyone’s help..Dad is looking out for me from a higher power place and that’s good enough..I got the rest!!

The Party With Marty Train is still coming, it’ll be the right train but on different tracks..y’all are welcome to party it up around me, if I’m around, it won’t bother nor tempt don’t even try, you’ll only embarrass yourself!

Hopefully my fan base can understand and respect this, if not, MOVE BITCH, YOU’RE IN THE WAY!! lol..did ya hurrrrrd me? There may no longer be a MJ but Marty is gonna be proud of Marty even if no one else is, I dont care..I dont need ANYONE, just like that kid way back then..Seeing all my childhood pics, remembering that kids motivations and WILL to escape has brought me back to that place I need to be to get to where I’m going!!! So, if nothing else, THANK YOU “Dark Side” you helped me find the long lost me, who let pro wrestling’s side show perks allow me to live the childhood happiness and fun I missed as a kid..but, time to get back to work..Play Time Is Over!!

PS- I predicted correctly in the article, Troup did win, we all bunched in(Hardway, Baker & Prattville) for 2nd place..and as I remember I did win this tournament as well as Area(or Regionals) to qualify for State.

PSx2- old schoolers(people my age, 45-ish, lol) remember the old Elton John song “The Bitch is Back” ?? well, guess who’s back!!

What’s your take on this update from Marty Jannetty? Sound off in the comments!
